Class WordsController
In: app/controllers/words_controller.rb
Parent: ApplicationController


Public Instance methods

toggles session[:toggle]


    # File app/controllers/words_controller.rb, line 49
49:         def backspace
50:                 session[:toggle]=     session[:toggle]? nil:1
51:                 session[:choices]= nil
52:                 redirect_to :action => "index"
53:         end


    # File app/controllers/words_controller.rb, line 32
32:         def extras
33: #               @displayed=rx_str
34:                 @text=get_text
35:         end


   # File app/controllers/words_controller.rb, line 2
2:         def filechoices?
3:                 false
4:         end


    # File app/controllers/words_controller.rb, line 29
29:   def get_title
30:                 "replace '#{last_word(get_text)}' with word:"
31:         end

the selected word replaces the last word


    # File app/controllers/words_controller.rb, line 37
37:         def selected(st)
38:                 @text=get_text.strip
39:                 if last_word(@text)
40:                         @text.gsub!(/\w+$/,st)
41:                         #replace the "regex" with the selected word
42:                 else
43:                         @text << " " << st
44:                 end
45:                 session[:text]=@text + " "
46:                 session[:choices]= nil
47:         end

depending on the toggle, either all words containing the chars with or without other chars intervening are offered as choices


    # File app/controllers/words_controller.rb, line 8
 8:         def start_choices
 9:                 @text=get_text.strip
10:                 lw=last_word(@text)
11:                 if lw.empty?
12:                         []
13:                 else
14:                         if session[:toggle]
15:                                 rx_str=lw
16:                         else
17:                                 rx_str=lw.split("").join(".*")
18:                         end
19:               ,Regexp::IGNORECASE)
20: #             "words rx:"+rx_str)
22:                         ac=g.get_matching_words(WordsDir,rx) -[lw]
23:                         if ac.size > MaxWords
24:                                 ac=ac[0..MaxWords]
25:                         end
26:                         ac
27:                 end
28:         end
