Class NextwordController
In: app/controllers/nextword_controller.rb
Parent: ApplicationController


Public Instance methods


    # File app/controllers/nextword_controller.rb, line 39
39:         def extras
40:                 @display=get_text
41:         end

file_choices? true if choices are static


    # File app/controllers/nextword_controller.rb, line 26
26:   def filechoices?
27:                 false
28:         end

first_time contains initialization code


   # File app/controllers/nextword_controller.rb, line 3
3:   def first_time
4:                 session[:choices]=nil
5:                 redirect_to :action=>"index"
6:   end

extras allows instance variables to be displayed to be initialized


    # File app/controllers/nextword_controller.rb, line 36
36:         def get_title
37:                 "nextword suggestion"
38:         end

selected processes the string str that the user has selected


    # File app/controllers/nextword_controller.rb, line 31
31:         def selected str
32:                 session[:text]=get_text.strip+" #{str} "
33:         end

start_choices must return an array of strings


    # File app/controllers/nextword_controller.rb, line 8
 8:   def start_choices
 9:                 @text=get_text.strip
10:                 lw=last_word(@text)
11:                 if lw.empty?
12:                 # suggestions for first word
14:                 else
15:               ,Regexp::IGNORECASE)
17:                         ac=g.get_matching_sentences(SentencesDir,rx)
18:                         nw=ac.grep(%r{\b#{lw} (\w+)}) do
19:                                 $1
20:                         end
21:                 end
22:        "suggested #{nw}"
23:                 nw
24:   end
