Class EasypicController
In: app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb
Parent: ApplicationController


Public Instance methods


    # File app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb, line 64
64:   def backspace
65:                 session[:choices]=nil
66:                 session[:picked]=''
67:                 session[:typed]=nil
68:         redirect_to :action => "index"
69:         end


    # File app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb, line 45
45:         def extras
46:                 @picfile=get_pic_file(get_picked)
47:                 #used in erb file for passing to image_tag
48:                 if @choices.empty? #we have finished choosing
49:                         extn=File.extname(@picfile)
50:                         @typed=File.basename(@picfile,extn)
51:                         session[:picfile]=@picfile
52:                         session[:typed]=@typed
53:                         #this is now available to other modules
54:                 else
55:                         @typed=''
56:                 end
57:                 session[:spoken]=nil
58:   end


    # File app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb, line 13
13:         def filechoices?
14:                 false
15:         end

require ‘find‘


    # File app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb, line 3
 3:         def first_time
 4:                 session[:choices]=nil
 5: #               session[:separator]=','
 6:                 session[:typed]=""   #used to pass on name of finally
 7:                                                                                                 #selected picture to other modules
 8:                 session[:picked]="" #part file name
 9:                 session[:spoken]=''
10:                 session[:selected_item]=0
11:           redirect_to :action => "index"
12:         end


    # File app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb, line 19
19:         def get_picked
20:                 session[:picked] ||= "" #what has been picked so far
21:         end


    # File app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb, line 16
16:   def get_title
17:                 'picture catalog'
18:         end

possible_chars takes as parameters root_path, the path to the pictures, and the string that was already_typed. By looking at the picture file names, it returns what characters might possibly follow, in order of decreasing likelihood


    # File app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb, line 26
26:         def possible_chars(root_path,already_typed)
28:         pcs=g.get_filename_part(root_path,
29:       '/('+already_typed+
30:                 '.)[\w, ]*\.(JPG|GIF|PNG)$',Regexp::IGNORECASE))
31: #      " possible_chars #{pcs.inspect}"
32:                 pcs
33:   end


    # File app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb, line 59
59:         def selected(str)
60:                 session[:picked]= str
61:                 session[:choices]=nil
62:         end


    # File app/controllers/easypic_controller.rb, line 34
34:   def start_choices
35:     @picked= get_picked #what has been "typed" so far
36:                 @choices=possible_chars("images",@picked)
37:                 while @choices.size==1
38:                 #with only one choice, the computer takes it
39:                         @picked=@choices.first
40:                         @choices=possible_chars("images",@picked)
41:                 end
42:                 session[:picked]=@picked
43:                 @choices
44:         end
