Communications Prosthesis for Mentally Challenged Children Professor Arun Mehta, JMIT Radaur, Haryana President, Bidirectional Access Promotion Society ( "Brain Behavior Connections in Autism", Nancy Minshew, Diane Williams information input is OK (perception, memory) But fewer interconnections between different parts of the brain Problems in higher brain functions, such as: what is the object in your hand? (feel, see,recognize,fast) skilled motor movements (e.g. handwriting, speech) flexibility, concept formation, information filtering How skid attempts to communicate Use the senses that work better: pictures or written words reduce the content to essential information information in small, simple chunks (directions on a soup can ) Allows learning at the individual's own pace, where sensory overload is lower "The medium is the message" How you can help Know someone who could use this? Mail Know programming? Make a module! (Ruby on Rails) Write to the Indian government to recognize autism as a disability Join BAPSI (Bidirectional Access Promotion Society, Let us fix the system together, instead of each product