Module ApplicationHelper
In: app/helpers/application_helper.rb

Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application.


Public Instance methods


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 30
30:         def clean_up st
31:                 st.match(/\/([\w ]*)\./)?
32:                         $1.upcase.gsub(' ','-') : st
33:         end


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 12
12:         def format_selected(st)
13:                 @preselected+st+@postselected
14:         end


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 16
16:         def format_unselected(st)
17:                 @preunselected+st+@postunselected
18:         end


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 22
22:         def image_html(pic,size)
23:         #returns pic with html image formatting
24:                 if pic.empty?
25:                         ''
26:                 else
27:                         image_tag(pic, :size =>size)
28:                 end
29:         end


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 3
 3:         def my_meta
 4:                 if @refresh
 5:                 '<meta http-equiv="REFRESH"content="'+
 6:                 "#{@delay}"+';URL=/' +
 7:                         @thiscontroller+'/index/_refresh" />'
 8:                 else
 9:                         ''
10:                 end
11:         end


    # File app/helpers/application_helper.rb, line 19
19:         def textcolor(rownum)
20:                 rownum==@selected_item ? @selcolor : @color
21:         end
